I think we all know who Jued is right? The notorious uncooked spaghetti noodle that really, REALLY does not like moving shapes. Me and @PowerOfNG had mistaken this guy (@DanielAtWareDx) to be another one of Jued's alts. After all, same style of reviews and stuff. But..
Every one of Jued's alts have "Jued" in their name. so that was a big piece of evidence to proof that daniel and jued aren't the same '~' And, when you realize who daniel truly is, he looks like an angel compared to someone like Jued lmao. Daniel used to play GD like Jued, but instead of harassing people who play it, he just makes a bit of tomfoolery in GD related audio. So... this was the biggest mistake have ever made on this site. i accidentally bullied someone who did nothing... >~<
i hope this is the case